Monday, January 18, 2010


I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed this week with all the assignments coming up and with the realisation that everything seems to be due at the same time all the time. when I attempt to organize my deadlines and assignments the word overwhelming seems like the understatement of year!!! maybe I'm overreacting or maybe its the fact that everything is so technology based this year. Ive never had a class be so technology savy let alone all my classes. I think the technology alone scares me, and pairing that with the fact that all of my assignments are now online and can be seen but not yet worked on, it just makes me panic a little inside thinking that I'm never really caught up. Even when I complete a task or assignment, I still have a list of others just waiting at my finger tips leaving me unsatisfied with my lack of accomplishment and an overall dissatisfaction with my Ed life.
WOW, that feels better. This blogging thing just might work out for me after all, it way cheaper than therapy that's for sure.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Getting started

Soooooo Ed.....
So far so good but being back in classes is no fun. Wish we could be back teaching in the classrooms again....soon enough though.

So scared for technology class, its come so far from the days of old school apple, miss those days now.

Technology is overwhelming...terrifying actually

Twitter is my start, we'll see how it goes from here